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My Pregnancy




Talk about, "World stop. Carry on." 


I had a real live panic attack when the doctor told me I was pregnant. 

-went for a routine visit since I had been with a new partner #knowyourstatus (pertains to all STDs as far as I'm concerned)

- few days later found out I was exactly 6 weeks pregnant


here. we. go!





That was the end June of 2018.


I had to tell my man, we had to tell my parents.

I had to tell my boss and plan out maternity leave. 


I was becoming a whole new woman.




The resilient woman I have come to be thus far, got out my calendar and set deadlines for the new tasks set before me [after crying my eyes out on the phone with my lifeline best sister friend cousin and then driving six hours to visit her and get my life together].


- My baby was on CP time. 

(6 weeks is a month and a half, still took 9 more months for my bundle to join me)


Check out my blog for memorable moments of my journey.

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