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My Labor


Labor. Pre pre labor is getting your mind right. You want an idea of what's coming so you can be prepared right, so the typical route is to take a birthing class.


I didn't take any birthing classes. Some classes are expensive, then there is the matter of scheduling them, its a whole thing. So, I went the DIY route and was unpleased with what I found, but it was enough to get me through.  - more ammo for me to create this space -

I scoured the internet and mostly found random blogs with posts from 8 years ago. One website that I did find very helpful was Mama Natural, complete with videos and everything. I also downloaded The Bump App. 


So, my actual pre labor began on a Monday. I was experiencing contractions fairly close together for a few hours, but then it stopped. I already had a few membrane sweeps because my baby ran past the due date of February 21. I had to take non-stress tests to ensure my baby was still in good health. Apparently, the placenta kind of conks out after a while and the baby would be in distress if that were to happen while still in utero.


We were now in March. I was still attending my prenatal yoga class on Tuesday nights.  I had an appointment earlier that afternoon (before yoga class) got my cervix checked and was only 2 cm dilated. We did another membrane sweep and had contractions for about an hour or so that night when I got home from yoga. 



Early on Wednesday morning, like 4am, I started feeling pretty intense contractions ten minuets apart and they continued all throughout the morning. I wasn't able to keep my breakfast down or even a fruit smoothie. I had an appointment that afternoon so I thugged it out, double checked all the things in my birth center bag and when we got to the appointment I found out I was still only  2 cm dilated.    


My midwife urged that we go to the hospital because I was in no shape to give birth without extensive medical support. I agreed because I wasn't trying to die, but I still wanted to have an unmedicated birth-she assured me that was still possible. 


We got to the hospital and I had to walk  what felt like a mile  to get to the Labor and Delivery part, but I think the walking helped with the pain. They hooked me up to an IV with fluids to help replenish my system. My midwife then let me know that I still had the freedom to do all the things I planned for pain management -getting into different positions, use a birth ball, get in the shower. However, I had no energy, I just wanted to lay there.



I was disappointed in myself, I planned and imagined such a lively, fun, beautiful water birth, yet here I am laid up in a bed and can barely keep my eyes open. It was cool though, my baby was coming. 


In active labor now, real strong contractions were coming every 5 minuets, all I could do was breathe through them and keep affirming myself.


It was a little after 11pm when my midwife told me it was time to push and I started freaking out! Y'all I was so scared. My man was by my side keeping me focused on my breathing and cheering me on. My parents were there too! I'm not sure if they were talking to me but, I was happy to know they were there. 


 I was a little confused about how to get my body to push, but we figured it out and after 20 minuets of pushing my son was born at 11:39 pm on Wednesday, March 6th ! He weighed 6 pounds and 3 ounces and was 17 inches long. :)

My major take aways from research and consults with the midwives at the Birth Center are:


-Drink tons of water

-Stay active

-Believe in yourself


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